As I am frequently my own straight man, I must expound on my previous post introducing you to "The Depression Channel", number 1313 on your 10,000 channel satelite dish.
Monday's Lineup:
"Wheel of Mis-Fortune" spin the wheel and land on a diagnosis -- then try to decipher the recommended anti-psychotic med up on the board! Wynona Rider stars in the Vanna White role!
"Late Nights with Larry King" See the step by step progression of dementia.
"Malcolm at the End of His Rope"
"Full House of People on the Edge"
"Survivor....or Maybe Not"
"Getting to Know You: The Fun Side of Charles Manson"
Tuesday's Lineup:
All shows previously run on Court TV or anything produced and narrated by Bill Kurtis. If time allows, a possible preview of a new movie for our viewers: "Eyes Wide Shut", which stars Tom Cruise, producer of a new series on our channel: "Post Partum Depression - Answers for New Moms."
Wednesday's Listings:
Literary Night:
"Alister Cook Reads" Tonight: The Bell Jar.
"William Shatner Reads" Tonight: The Biography of Vincent...Van...Gogh.
Thursday's listings:
Movie madness: "Girl, Interrupted" "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest" "The Frances Farmer Story", "Full Metal Jacket", "Secret Window" and "A Clockwork Orange".
Friday's line up:
Documentary Night
"Meds and You...and You....and You" New help for schizophrenics.
The Hand Washer's Companion: which soaps don't chafe, which lotions FEEL like soap, but will make hands soft and smooth, and an interactive live discussion entitled "To Towel or Not to Towel?"
Rubber-Necker's Quarterly: Agoraphobics learn the tricks of the neighborhood spying game. Includes step by step instructions on how to listen in on neighbors conversations while never leaving the comfort of your own home.
Home Security Innovations: Checking locks over and over? Introducing a revolutionary new system that lets you lie in bed and have a robot check your front door lock -- over and over and over while you relax in secure comfort. Robot runs on 24 hour battery with a back up for compulsive emergencies.
Biography: "The Really Forgotten Kennedy: Rosemary" Along with the preview of the newly found letter from Rose to Sr. Joseph Kennedy: "Dearest Husband, You took Rosemary out for ice cream a couple weeks ago and her bed doesn't seem to have been slept in. Do you know where she is? Possibly with her brother Jack in the hospital? I don't know. I haven't seen either of them in ages. Love, Rose. PS -- Is Jack still in the hospital?"
Background music provided by Warren Zevon's "You're Never Alone With A Schizophrenic".
The fun side of clinical depression with a looping of Monty Python's "Spot the Looney" sketch ALL DAY!
If nothing else, I made myself laugh.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
You Knew I Couldn't Let It Pass...
Posted by Karen at 2:17 PM 3 comments
Labels: Depression, Health, Humor, My specialty: smart-ass observations
I Wish It Was The Bahamas...
but no. Nope. Nada.
I am on hiatus for the week, dear TTer's -- because the kids have started school and my house has become "Anxiety Central". (Catch us on the new cable channel -- #1313. "The Depression Channel" -- devoted solely to pathetic reality.)
I will visit yours however. I need a distraction before my head blows up.
I know, I know. This too shall pass. Just not quick enough.
Posted by Karen at 9:02 AM 1 comments
Sunday, August 26, 2007
The State of Male
I have been reading that book about Abraham Lincoln by Doris Kearns Goodwin, “Team of Rivals”. Well, something struck a chord with me as I was reading.
Take this passage, written from one Senator to another: "your friendship crowds (my heart) producing a kind of girlish impatience which one can neither dispose of nor comfortably endure...every day and almost every hour since (leaving) I have suffered a womanish longing to see you. But all this is too ridiculous for the subject matter of a letter between two grave Senators and I'll leave unsaid three fourths of what I have been dreaming on since I left."
You would most likely never hear a heterosexual male speak or write to another heterosexual male in the 21st century in that fashion. Why? You tell me. Is it:
1. A newly ingrained, pervasive fear of intimacy
2. Concern for the appearance of their manhood with men and women
3. Fear of being labeled homosexual
4. Fear of their professed non-sexual love for another man being blasted on Jerry Springer by their significant other
5. A simple, natural progression of genetics
6. Fear of being the joke of the neighborhood when everyone finds out, which you know they will
7. Fear of being rejected by the other person
That letter was written only 150 years ago. Two generations. Could we have mutated that much in so little time? Maybe. Maybe not. So, it is genetics or fear or both?
Genetics gave us Gandhi and Adolf Hitler. Also allowed us to walk upright and have opposable thumbs, to be self aware and think outside our reality. It also produced cancer and AIDS. So is the "how 'bout those Bears?" males of the 21st century a good thing or a bad thing?
Is it fear? Well, fear is a universal. From animals to man. Fear is a probably the biggest motivator next to procreation. Fear has an incredible hold over people, from the sublime to the obvious. Since we now know what we can have, we also know what we can lose.
My friend Anne suggests that perhaps because these men sustained so many losses – the death of wives, children, parents -- they did not fear expressing their love for the people in their lives.
Maybe that has mutated into a 21st century fear of expressing yourself exactly for that reason. Why open your heart only to have them leave or reject you – or post your personal correspondence on the internet? Perhaps those men 150 years ago weren’t afraid of the pain of life – knew it was gonna happen one way or another – and why not just say what you want to say. You’re going to survive or not. Typhoid or tuberculosis killed at random – a simple cut could become infected and deadly. A sore throat could mean rheumatic fever and a shortened life span. I guess in the face of all that, saying “I love you” to your fellow man isn’t such a scary thing.
Of course, I could be full of shit, and men write to men like this all the time. And just like those gents 150 years ago, don't expect a Doris Kearns Goodwin to publish their intimate thoughts and letters for all to see and have some future blogger try to read more into it than is really there.
Posted by Karen at 10:17 AM 3 comments
Labels: Abraham Lincoln, Books, History, My specialty: smart-ass observations, Reading
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Thursday Thirteen #7
13 Things about Money, Honey
It's been foremost on my mind lately as my son is one year away from college. So here is some historical information about that which is "the root of all evil":
1. Animals were the first forms of "money", then followed by the use of grain, vegetables or other plant products. About 9,000 - 6,000 BC.2. 1,200 BC: Cowrie shells were first used as money in China. It is the most widely and longest used currency in history, still being used as recently as the middle of the 1900's in some parts of Africa.
3. The Chinese get sick and tired of fishing shells out of the shallow waters and they begin to manufacture bronze and copper cowrie imitations by the end of the Stone Age, around 1,000 BC.
4. Outside of China, the first coins were developed out of lumps of silver, eventually taking their round, flat shape. They first appeared in what is now known as Turkey, and the process was refined throughout the Greek, Persian, Macedonian and Roman empires.
5. 118 BC: Leather money was used in China. Historians consider this use of deerskin the first documented type of banknote. Deer begin to figure out how to hide their hides more efficiently.
6. The exodus of the Danish people in 800-900 AD to Ireland gave birth to the saying "to pay through the nose". Seems these Danes felt since they were living in Ireland, they didn't have to pay the Dane poll tax. However, the mucky-mucks had other ideas and chased them the hell down. Once cornered in the pub, if they refused to pay, their noses were split in two with a knife. And I doubt the Danes took time to make sure their knives were nice and sharp.7. Progress, as it is wont to do, begins and stuff like Potlach and Wampum (which is actually a "money belt") begin to be used, along with coins, shells, paper money, etc. Columbus parks his boats on the East Coast, and the Indian people soon being to understand the phrase: Manifest Destiny. However in a stroke of luck, the Massachusetts Bay Colony declare wampum as legal tender in 1637, years after John Bridges stated in 1587: "A fool and his money are soon parted" (In Defense of Government).
8. Here in the ol' states, in order to finance that little headache called the American Revolution, Congress gives the thumbs up to the first printing of currency. However, not thinking the process through by having the financial backing of gold or silver, these "Continentals" quickly devalue and become useless.
9. There is a money free-for-all -- every state, every bank, everyone with a pot of ink and a pen start making their own money. This was called the Free Banking Era. What they didn't know then, which we all know now is that banking ain't free, so that went bust -- just as soon as we needed to fund that other headache. The Civil War.
10. It occurs to some that the financing of wars is the impetus for restructuring the monetary system. In Democracy in America, Alexis de Tocqueville stated in 1835 "I know of no country, indeed, where the love of money has taken a strong hold on the affections of men..." and women. True then and true now.11. As are these notables: From the NY Times, May 31, 1864: "There are some things that money can't buy." From the Saturday Evening Post, June 18, 1870: "Money isn't everything." From the Washington Post, July 17, 1906: "Money doesn't grow on trees."
12. The largest bill ever circulated was the $10,000 bill, which features the face of Salmon P. Chase, Abraham Lincoln's Secretary of the Treasury. Never touched it, never will. Currently, the $100 bill is the largest in circulation. Never touched it, never will.
13. And finally, those words of wisdom from the lads: "I don't care too much for money; Money can't buy me love."
Posted by Karen at 5:30 PM 44 comments
Labels: Money, Thursday Thirteen
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Why I Hate Good Books
Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln. By Doris Kearns Goodwin. I hate this book. Truly. I picked it up at the library on the advice of my friend Anne and I wish I had never seen it.
It is so damn good that I stayed up 1/2 the night reading and now am totally useless at work. I just want to go home, make a cup of tea and read ALL day. THIS is why I hate good books. Like a warm comforter, I want to stay inside it all day and not move. A good book makes me forget the laundry and my job and fighting kids and a wacky ex-husband and that pesky dental bill I didn't pay. A good book sucks me right in and I find I never want to leave.
This is one of them. Love Abe or not, her writing is magnificent (perhaps this why she won the Pulitizer?) and so worth your time. The book is daunting, but you are hooked from line one.
I know once I've finished reading it, I will know Lincoln better than Abe himself did.
That's good writing.
Posted by Karen at 8:05 AM 1 comments
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Let's Chat About...
I was reading someone else's blog who said that the summer had sorely compromised her goals in the weight, exercise, writing and reading departments. I have to agree with her. I haven't lost a pound or exercised since April. Part of this is because April - July is our busiest time at the office and I frequently miss lunch hours, which is when I usually exercise.
This is how it filters down.
1. Busy at the office, no lunch hour.
2. No lunch hour means no exercise.
3. No lunch hour means I sit at my desk and overeat.
4. No lunch hour and no exercise plus eating at my desk = weight gain.
5. Weight gain causes fatigue.
6. Fatigue means that I get home and eat more because I'm too tired to think about it.
7. Fatigue means that I go to bed earlier.
8. Going to bed earlier means that I don't write.
9. Not writing makes me very cranky, because I have so many ideas and am too tired to write them down.
10. Being cranky means I beat myself up even more because I'm not exercising nor eating right.
11. Not eating right or exercising or being creative causes me to get insomnia, so while I'm so tired I can't do anything physical, I can still keep myself busy by emotionally flogging myself.....all fricking night long.
12. Not sleeping gets me over anxious and panicky and I start to worry about shit I almost never worry about otherwise.
13. Then I'm a gonzo mess, near psychological breakdown.
However, my busy season is over. The kids start back to school next week. I went to the health club 3 times this week. And I've yanked out my story and have begun to work on it again.
ahhh.....I love to see September 15 days in front of me.
Posted by Karen at 10:18 AM 2 comments
Labels: Exercise, Weight Struggles, Writing
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Thursday Thirteen #6
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
View More Thursday Thirteen Participants
Posted by Karen at 5:35 PM 21 comments
Labels: Thursday Thirteen
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Always in Fashion
Music and Passion ---
At the Copa AND at the Las Vegas Hilton! Can you believe I took this picture? No. I can't either. I'm surprised all my pictures weren't more blurry -- Manilow keeps moving so much, it was hard to take a shot!My trip to Vegas, where I met my friend Colleen and several Manilow fans that I had only met on-line, was an absolute blast. So much happened, we did so many things I don't know where to start. I figure I will dash off two highlights: 1. Manilow at the Hilton and 2. Toby Keith's I Love This Bar and Grill at Harrah's.
Don't ask me why, but I love both these men. Is this not a testimony to my varied and unique tastes? New York mets Texas. Bagels and BBQ. Armani and Levi Strauss. Jo Malone and Stetson. And damn fine music. What more could a woman want?
Anyway, for my money, Toby Keith's I Love This Bar and Grill will be a mainstay of all future visits to Vegas. Good food, margaritas served in mason jars, bartenders who give out free shots (as long as they can stand on the bar and pour it into your mouth). Waitresses are friendly, good service, lots of Toby stuff on the walls. We had an exceptional time. Thanks, Toby.
Manilow at the Hilton. Say what you want, but the man knows how to put on a fun, great, classy show. Although he joked about "Menopause, The Musical" playing down the street as well as in his audience, there were a surprising number of men. Granted, their wives/girlfriends might have hauled their asses in there, but I didn't see anyone asleep.
I know he's been described as "schmaltzy" and there were maybe a few times in my Manilow history when I sort of, kind of agreed, but there was none of that here. The musical arrangements were exactly on target, it appeared everyone including Barry himself was having fun and a good time was had by all. He saluted the 40's, 50's, 60's and 70's and the William Tell Overture. I believe he covered all the necessary musical bases in the time allotted, which was way too short. Ninety minutes absolutely few by.
Manilow's great talent, besides music, is his ability to connect with people, connect with his audience. He did that magnificently and received probably 6 or 7 standing ovations.
So thanks, Mr. M for a great show, and oh, I was the one standing in the 3rd row.
Posted by Karen at 3:44 PM 0 comments
Labels: Barry Manilow, Friends, Las Vegas, Toby Keith
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Off To See The Manilow
The wonderful Barry of Vegas.
I shall be off until my return from Benjamin (Don't Ever Call Me Bugsy) Siegel's mafia bank-rolled vision in the desert.
Yes, I found an outfit that is classy and comfy. Yes, I will take pictures and post them. Yes, I am really looking forward to this.
And I know what you are thinking: Don't Ever Call It Beatle Fest Again and Manilow back to back weekends. Put that woman in a psych ward. But remember this -- at least I am not posting about about PMS, Puberty, Menopause, my brains spilling out or anxiety induced panic attacks. That's one good thing, No?
Besides, how can you NOT like a guy who loves his animals this much?
(Thanks, for the photos! And you can peruse The Manilow Fund for Health and Hope (in my links section) which supports many charities including animal rescue and shelters.)
Posted by Karen at 11:25 AM 2 comments
Labels: Barry Manilow, Friends
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Thursday Thirteen #5
13 Things about Vampires
1. Vampires can only come into your house if you invite them in. Listen up---DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT ask Dracula to dinner or it's your own damn fault if you end up the main course.
2. Vampires do not have to stay in their coffins during the day. They only need to stay out of sunlight. In other words, they'd do just fine in my office 24/7.
3. Wolfbane to vampires is like a mosquito bite to us. Annoying, but not deadly.4. Vampires really do not like garlic. Some regular folks don't like garlic either. Go figure.
5. Vampires do not need to sleep on their native soil, but do need to rest up in the coffin of their choice. Wood coffins are verboten, simply because one errant hunk of chipped wood and a roll over in your sleep could prove fatal.
6. Vampires avoid drinking the blood of drunks not for fear of getting tanked, but because their blood is thinner from the alcohol content -- you know, like the difference between cream and skim milk. So in other words, if you've disregarded #1 and invited Dracula over for dinner, get liquored up beforehand and serve garlic chicken.
7. Vampires are not monogomous. So if you are the one guy for one gal type, Dracula is NOT for you.8. Simply draining a victim of blood does not turn one into a vampire. You must drink of Dracula's blood, which is...hmmm, ahhh....icky. So don't.
9. The legend of Dracula is based on the real life of Vlad Tepes, a Romanian prince whose countrymen lovingly referred to him as "Vlad the Impaler". He had his soldiers do very bad things to people which he enjoyed way too much. However, he had no friends, no one invited him anywhere; he had an inferiority complex, pimples as a teenager, was forced to wear whitey tighties, had an unfair 8pm curfew, no car, was forced to listen to "You Light Up My Life" every day and oh, a small, well...never mind.
10. The most famous vampires are: Barnabas -- as in Barnabas Collins, Dark Shadows; Louis -- as in "Interview with a Vampire" by Ann Rice; Lestat -- as in "The Vampire Lestat" also by Ann Rice; Dracula as only Bela Lugosi, Frank Langella, Christopher Lee, Gary Oldham and John Carradine could play him and the original Nosferatu -- played ghoulishly by Max Schreck in the silent classic.
11. Bram Stoker's novel "Dracula" was published in 1897 by Archibald, Constable and Company of the UK. Bram actually pictured Dracula as a suave, sophisticated gentleman, who was charmingly evil. I don't believe Bram ever envisioned his character to be as handsome Frank Langella though. However, truth be told, if I'm gonna be attacked by a vampire and live with him for eternity, I hope it's Frank. 12. Yes, Virginia, there really is a Transylvania (coincidentally where Bela Lugosi was born Bela Ferenc Dezso Blasko). It is part of Romania and the 2002 census showed 7,221,733 happy folks living out normal lives with very large crosses around their necks. This castle right here, which I affectionately call the Vampire B&B, is Bran Castle, located in the foggy Carpathian Mountains. Our Prince Vlad called this his "lovely mountain retreat" -- where the sun never shines, the wolves howl and the bats fly -- in the middle of frickin' no where.
13. If it weren't for vampires, would we still have had Hammer Films?
Posted by Karen at 4:30 PM 13 comments
Labels: Thursday Thirteen
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Happy, Happy, Happy
Have just returned from Beatlefest (oops, sorry, Don't Ever Call It BeatleFest Again) and a good time was had by all, as always. Thought I would share the experience with you and show some photos of Anne and myself enjoying the wit and wonder of The Fest For Beatles' Fans.
#1 -- Anne proving to one and all that yes, indeed, this is exactly where we've gone every year since 1980.#2 -- A great talk by Victor Spinetti, who played the "knitted" director in A Hard Day's Night, and the mad scientist in Help! Yea, maybe I got a better shot of the bald guy's head in front of me, but I never claimed to be Annie Liebowitz.
#3 -- The concert at night by Liverpool and starring Mark Hudson, one of the Hudson Brothers, who produced alot of Ringo's records/CD's and is a great musician in his own right. I took pics of him too during his talk, but another guy's bald head was clearer than Mark.
As a sidebar: Mark is always a treat. Funny, animated, a big fan himself. He can imitate all 4 of the Beatles' perfectly. Anyway, for fun every year, Anne and I try to guess what color Mark's goatee is going to be and if it will have a braid in the center or not. We enjoy the simple pleasures in life, you know. So for all of you have been waiting to know, chin hair -- shamrock green and side burns -- deep burgundy. NO BRAID. The plaid tam-o-shanter hat was an extra plus, as were the matching plaid pants.
4. Here, a good picture of Lara herself with a Beatles' sign, taken with loving care by Anne.
5. Anne with her Beatles' bag and catalog, waving goodbye to another Fest.
See? This isn't so bad. Laughs, music, food, drink, conversation. And there were tons of other things going on: old videos being played, the flea market, memorabilia, games, contests, exhibits. Everybody happy, happy, happy. Although one of our fave programs at the Fest, called Beatly-Incorrect with Martin Lewis, will no longer be available. Seems that when Martin gave the disclaimer EVERY SINGLE YEAR that what was said in that room, stayed in that room, not everyone listened. What made this panel discussion so hysterical is that the guests and the audience could say whatever they wanted. Yes, we sort of reemed Heather Mills last year. But it was made very clear that this midnight forum for adults only was done all in the name of fun. There was absolutely never any malice in anything anyone said -- and Anne and I have been there every single midnight, every single year Martin Lewis did this.
Some bozo taped it last year and put it on You Tube and now that's the end of Beatly-Incorrect. Some nutcase didn't understand these simple rules: what was said in that room stayed in that room -- that it was all in fun. Who ever it was who didn't understand those very clear, very simple rules: remind me never to go to Vegas with you.
Posted by Karen at 6:25 PM 3 comments
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Life During Wartime
Yes. You know what I'm talking about. When your house is absolutely quaking with the ramifications of having children later in life: you hit menopause and they hit puberty AT THE SAME DAMN TIME. I should have married and had my kids by the time I married.
See these 2 happy kids? Of course they are not mine. Mine would be sharpening their fangs, growling, glaring, huffing, puffing, whining, rolling their red, evil eyes at me, all the while eating all the food in the house, using up all the cell phone minutes and monopolizing the computer as if they paid for it.
This is Ugly. Very, very ugly.
I can't see, am losing my hair, insane from lack of sleep, bargaining for the chocolate and sweating like an SOB.
I'm not sure I can verbalize any more on this subject.
Posted by Karen at 7:38 PM 4 comments
Labels: Being a Mom, Menopause, My specialty: smart-ass observations
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Thursday Thirteen #4
![]() |
I watched "Home Alone 2" with my daughter the other day and I love that line: "Ma'am, I'm 8 years old. Television is my life." So I thought I'd do a little research and find out what our fave shows were over the years. When I looked at the top rated primetime telecasts, SuperBowls dominated the whole list, except that Numbers 1,2 and 3 were: M*A*S*H* series finale, Dallas - Who Shot JR? and the Roots finale. I wanted to list something different other than listing all the Superbowls over the years. My decision was to list the 13 Most Highly Watched Series Finales of ALL TIME: #1 - M*A*S*H*, 2/28/1983, 105.9 million viewers. (I boo-hooed big time like everyone else I knew. Life wasn't going to be the same without Hawkeye Pierce and the 4077th. Little did I know at the time, but eventually DVD's could take us back to Korea anytime we wanted.) #2 - Cheers, 5/20/1993, 80.4 million viewers. (Ok. I'll admit it. I lost interest once Diane left so I didn't see the finale.) #3 - Seinfeld, 5/14/1998, 76.3 million viewers. (Yes, I saw it. I'm still wondering why.) #4 - Friends, 5/6/2004, 52.5 million viewers. (I was a spotty Friends watcher only because my kids were going in different directions all the time and my TV time was sorely compromised. I did not see the Finale here, altho I remember the story that Jennifer Aniston was crying because the show was over and so was her marriage.) #5 - Magnum, PI, 5/1/1988, 50.7 million viewers. (Remember it like it was yesterday. Thomas back in the Navy with a daughter to raise. Once again, DVD's can bring back Higgy-baby, the Lads and Selleck in those 1980's SHORT SHORTS anytime you feel the need. Which is frequently.) #6 - The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson, 5/22/1992, 50.0 million viewers. (I lost my late night TV talk show focus with the birth of my son in 1990. My only focus was sleep. So I missed this one.) #7 - The Cosby Show, 4/30/1992, 44.4 million viewers. (Always liked the Cosby Show, but missed this one too.) #8 - All in the Family, 4/8/1979, 40.2 million viewers. (Saw this one knowing Meathead, Archie and company were a groundbreaking crew of talented people and wondering how Norman Lear could ever follow it up.) #9 - Family Ties, 5/14/1989, 36.3 million viewers. (I liked this show too, but missed the big goodbye. Seemed like I lost interest once the kids were bigger, which is a problem with shows based on raising a family.) #10 - Home Improvement, 5/25/1999, 35.5 million viewers. (One of my ultimate favorites that I hated to see go. I wanted to be Jill Taylor. Good Mom, went back to school, seemed to be able to handle things with a sense of humor. I wanted to be like her but failed miserably.) #11 - Dallas, 5/3/1991, 33.3 million viewers. (If you were alive, you saw it. I was surprised it was only #11....although it did lose uumph after that stupid "Dream Sequence" year of Pam's, done to explain Bobby's reappearance after he was killed off the year before.) #12 - Everybody Loves Raymond, 5/16/2005, 32.9 million viewers. (Another great show that I can relive every night on TNT. Doris Roberts is an absolute genius.) #13 - Gunsmoke, 3/31/1975, 30.9 million viewers. (I remember my father watching it. I was probably busy picking lint out of the carpet.) |
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
View More Thursday Thirteen Participants
Posted by Karen at 9:56 AM 27 comments
Labels: Thursday Thirteen